Are You Totally Trendy This Season?
Welcome back to the weekly post on Splash of Fashion!
This week I will be discovering fashion statistics, how trendiness is measured, and how people decide if you are in style or not. This is going to be a bit of a challenge, I had never asked myself this question, but with some research, I will tell you everything I have found on these rules that are expected to be met in order to be in style every season.
First of all, what is a trend?
A trend is simply a form of expressing what is being worn or most talked about in pop culture or fashion. It is what is popular at a certain time or period of time, because trends are constantly changing.
A trend doesn't necessarily have to be directed with fashion, but many times it is understood to be a fashion trend because it is commonly used to discuss the latest style.
The way a certain style or article of clothes, shoes, or accessories are measured to be good or bad is by how "trendy" they are. If it is claimed to be trendy, then that means its in; Everyone is wearing it, most stores are stocking up with that certain merchandise because they know its going to be sold fast, considering the high demand.
People just make certain things popular and trendy. When an item, for example a high low dress was made, the maker couldn't tell whether it was going to be sold or not. They designer simply had to take a risk, luckily the high low dress became very popular because people started wearing them everywhere. The high low dress didn't start off trendy, it would've either worked real well or have been a disappointment, but somewhere a brave individual wore it and rocked it, that created a chain reaction of the rest to purchase and wear the high low dress.
In the world of fashion, being on top of the fashion trends is very important. If you are caught wearing last years best dressed summer outfit during the current summer, you are considered to be committing social suicide.
As much as I love being in style and dressing up in today's most popular clothes, I also see the negative in trending, it sets goals to society, and if society doesn't meet those goals, they aren't part of the "cool" club.
Having a great style which many can admire is a good quality, but style should be used in a positive way, to encourage, motivate, and speak to others, it shouldn't be used as a way of locking people out of the popular culture.
Sadly, many individuals as well as groups of people who aren't in the latest clothes, or wearing whats new don't have a chance with society; they are automatically taken out of the hip bubble.
The way fashion trends become trendy is by having one person start the trend, if people see that they look good in it, it influences them to wear it to try to look as great as them.
Some false ways to sell certain pieces are when they are shown on a magazine with a model with a waist the size of a pencil. It should be obvious to the buyer, that if they are not the same side, it will not look the same, but they ignore the way they look and keep in mind how the mannequin looked.
In fashion, trends are measured by the popularity of people buying and wearing the clothes, shoes, or accessories. The more that is sold, the more the word spreads, and the higher pressure for others to look the same and consume.
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