Friday, October 31, 2014

Styling in Foucaudian Lenses

We have all once heard that if you want to be viewed as a certain person, we must dress in a certain way to appear as if we are who we want to be, correct? 
Yes? No?
Well, if you have, you will be familiar with reading about the good and the bad in fashion, what is "wrong" and was is "right," and what's in and what was so 2002. 

For those who have never heard that phrase, you will be able to read about the binaries of fashion and style. 
Who made the rules? 
Who gets to decide? 
And did anyone ever say there were rules for what to dress in?
Or were these silly little rules created by ideas of those who live in a world that is all about judging others? 

I bet there are no actual rules that were once created and meant to stay forever, how would it make sense to make concrete rules about something like fashion that is constantly changing. It changes so incredibly fast, it isn't even every year, the way people dress and what they call "in" changes so quickly, seasonally. People make up rules as time goes, never have I ever ran into an official rule book for what to wear and how to wear it. 
The way every individual dress shouldn't be coming from a rule book anyway! That's the amazing thing about style, everyone is different, even the same piece can be wore in thirty different ways and look completely different on each person. 
What fun would it be if we walked around in uniform?

This week in English, we read Michel Foucault's amazing piece, "Panopticism." In this piece, he made it clear that his idea of the way the world worked was by having power everywhere and controlling everyone. We aren't actually as free as we think we are, everything we do is being governed in some type of way. There is really no way of avoiding the power that there is over us. We are under rule anywhere in society that we are, in schools, hospitals, jails, and even at work. The only choices we really have, are to choose over the good and the bad. 

If we take a step back and look at fashion through Foucaudian lenses, we would see that we are also being policed over what we wear. The reason is that society makes these "rules" they're never written or posted anywhere. The problem is that everyone has different opinions, nobody has the same idea for a rule. 
Take a red, long dress, ask three different people the rule about wearing the dress. One answer would probably sound like this, "you have to be tall in order tower that dress." Another might be something like this, "if you're dark skin you shouldn't be wearing a red dress in the first place. And the last comment might be, "if you're fat, just don't even think about wearing that dress."
So we took one simple piece of clothing, and asked ONLY three different people for the "rule" for wearing that piece and all answers were different. 
What that says to me is that, there is o such thing as a rule for what to wear, society just makes them up. How hard to please the million fashion polices of this world! 

If people are worrying about the way they are socially policed, they will never be at peace within themselves. Every individual has a different, unique way of adorning they're body and worrying about pleasing others shouldn't be at the top of their priority list.
We are being watched anywhere and everywhere we go, and no matter what end of the fashion binary we choose, we will still be judged. 
Fashion and style is only one of the infinitely many examples of the way Michel Foucault explains that everywhere we go we are being watched, and it is entirely up to you if you want to choose the "good binary" or the "bad" one. The reason I quote it is because nobody ever told us what end of the binary was the good one, society only made the good binary the road that most people would choose. 
So, overall, there are no rule books, rules are made as we go by society, and they evolve just like human, animals, and plants evolve over time. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Check it(me) out!

Dear fellow readers! 
Don't Keep Calm, 
it's Fashion Fridays! 

Fashion, looks, style, and appearance are all a world of revision. When have you ever loved the way you look on the first try? Have you ever completely chose an outfit without changing it somehow, anything about it? Nope, I find it hard to believe if you answered yes to these questions. That's the trick about looking good, well at least in our silly little brains, "looking good" means staring at yourself long enough with different clothes, shoes, jewelry, or make up until we have made ourselves think it is the perfect outfit. 

This weeks reading dealt with Murray's essay which was about revision and how revision positively affects writing; of course this week I will be sharing how revision affects the world of fashion. As we learned in class the how helpful peer reviews can be, I realize that not only are they helpful for stronger essays but also to look or feel better within a person. 
I can almost assure everyone has at least asked once for somebody else's opinion of how they look. We always want reassurance of how good or bad we look, because as humans we worry so much over what society will think of us. We live with the fear of being judged by the world, and that is why instead, we ask people who we trust to tell us how we really look. 
Asking a friend, a sibling, or anybody you trust to check you out and tell you what they think of your outfit is usually what makes a person feel better.  Sometimes it is simple things that may seem as they don't make a big deference, but they do. The times I have changed little things, like my accessories until it suddenly becomes the perfect outfit have been many.
Asking for advice is a good tool, it helps catch those little details that can make or break a look. Very much like having a revision on a paper, the first outfit we decide on is our first draft, it isn't enough to  make a statement, but after revising, or in the world of fashion, checking yourself out or being checked out by someone, it can make the outfit totally work. 

Overall, I feel that revising your outfits can never hurt, it can only help your outfit become even better. Receiving friendly fashion advice is as best as it gets, although of course sometimes it sucks to hear things we didn't want o get back. It can be hard to get negative comments on the "masterpieces" we think we have created.Getting comments that we don't want to hear are not necessarily always bad or negative comments, but sometimes the truth hurts and we must learn to accept that not always will we choose a complimentary outfit. We must learn to accept advice, at the end of the day, we asked because we were not sure of how we look, if there was uncertainty from yourself, expecting positive comments all the time would be unrealistic or untruthful. 

So, let's all remember revising makes the perfect outfit! Strut like you mean it and always OWN IT!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Judging You.

Judging You.

Hello my fellow readers, 
         I have a question for you to think about as you read through this weeks post…. Do you believe that the way you dress affects others' perception of you? Well for many like myself, I completely believe that humans judge other humans according to the way they dress. Not that I agree that this is correct or not, but it's simply realistic. Others may disagree and feel angry that they are being judged daily by their appearance, but as much as it sucks, it's real, what we wear matters. 

         Trying to keep up with todays fashion statements
is tough. It seems like you can never keep up, you just                                                                    
found the new, red, Steve Madden wedges you've 
been looking for all month and they're already out of
style! Ugh! It happens all the time, now there is no way
you can be seen with those hideous shoes. 
Well…Wait a minute, I don't understand, last week 
you said those shoes were to die for and now the 
media says they're out of style and suddenly you hate
them. These situations happen all the time and it happens because care too much what others think of us.

This week in class, we worked on peer reviewing and giving feedback to our classmates with essays in order for them to create stronger paper than they already had. Feedback has it's pros and cons, in the world of fashion and dressing yourself, it plays a huge role. Often people dress for the pleasure of others instead of themselves without even realizing it. Positive feedback is a good thing to receive because it serves as boost, it makes others feel good when somebody tells them that they love their outfit, their shoes, or their accessories. Positive feedback is also a way that others admire your good sense of style. Personally, I feel good about myself when I look good, it builds confidence and in a strange way makes me feel like I can do anything I want; things out of this world. 

Feedback, of course can go either way, but what happens what you receive negative feedback? Receiving negative feedback from someone, especially if it's a person you look up to, can feel like a pile of shit being thrown all over you. Bad criticism can totally wreck someones self esteem(girls in particular) especially in todays society, skinny isn't skinny enough and pretty isn't pretty enough. When people receive a bad comment it makes them change their mind about something, they can love a dress then suddenly want to burn it. 

Feedback and criticism are delicate subjects, not always are they meant to be harsh or negative, sometimes it's just hard to put those opinions in nice words. Not all feedback is bad, there are times that it can be insightful or helpful to the person receiving it. But, for most part it is tough to be criticized although we ourselves criticize others. The way we present our comments is a big deal, we don't always know how to say something but if we just think it through, there is the strategy of word choice to make negative things sound a little softer. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bad Bitch

October 8, 2014

Bad Bitch?
Typical, there she goes, everyone stares, jaw drops, hearts stop… Yeah, same old bitch who is always so well dressed. "What did she do to deserve so much?" "Is she rich?" " What do her parents do?" "Why does everybody find her so perfect?" "She's not even that pretty." "Ugh, SPOILED little bitch!"
Same thoughts that went through my mind every time I saw her, at the same time I asked myself why I seem to care so much myself. They did say all was fair in love and war, but they didn't mention anything about war and fashion; could it be that she was the bitch we all called her, or did we just give her that name "bitch" because of all the envy and jealousy? A bitch, yes that is what I wanted to call her but what was a bitch anyway? An excessively whiny person or a person who told you the cold truth to your face or an unpleasant, selfish women? Either way that is what we all thought of her, and the more I came to think of it, I started to feel a bit guilty. I figure that I am not the only person who uses that word against the pretty girl at school, I find it normal to envy a girl that everyone gives s much attention to. Today,lab day, would be the day our chemistry teacher decided to place me and that bitch in the same group, I didn't want to work with her, she didn't have a brain, I thought all she cared about was looking cute. Boy, was I wrong, we worked through that lab so well, it was quick and painless, she knew exactly what she was doing; man, I judged her. I wish I didn't feel this way about her, but let's face it, having a good sense of fashion was always a way to get your self some enemies.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Diving into Fashion & English

October 2, 2014

Hello my fellow readers,
Welcome to my blog, "Splash of Fashion." I have created this blog to share my ideas about everything in the world of fashion, from attire, footwear, accessories, and make up. I chose
this subject because not only is it exciting to many like myself, but also a way for individuals to create a personal style for themselves likewise writers create a style. The word "fashion" has a different meaning to every individual, many will say it's completely irrelevant and does not define who a person is, but for others, we will find that their style defines them. I'm excited to dig a little deeper into the subject, and share with you some connections I make with a fashion statements and our weekly reading. I hope you stay tuned in my blog for the latest posts, keep you interested, and would love to give my readers a whole other meaning to fashion. So what does "fashion" mean and where did all these ideas come from? Can the way a person dress express the way they are feeling? Perhaps all of these unanswered questions do have an answer, or perhaps they will always remain rhetorical; but for the purpose of this blog, I will be creating some possible understandings of fashion after completing weekly reading assignments from my English 107 class at Cal State San Bernardino. Enjoy!