Friday, October 24, 2014

Check it(me) out!

Dear fellow readers! 
Don't Keep Calm, 
it's Fashion Fridays! 

Fashion, looks, style, and appearance are all a world of revision. When have you ever loved the way you look on the first try? Have you ever completely chose an outfit without changing it somehow, anything about it? Nope, I find it hard to believe if you answered yes to these questions. That's the trick about looking good, well at least in our silly little brains, "looking good" means staring at yourself long enough with different clothes, shoes, jewelry, or make up until we have made ourselves think it is the perfect outfit. 

This weeks reading dealt with Murray's essay which was about revision and how revision positively affects writing; of course this week I will be sharing how revision affects the world of fashion. As we learned in class the how helpful peer reviews can be, I realize that not only are they helpful for stronger essays but also to look or feel better within a person. 
I can almost assure everyone has at least asked once for somebody else's opinion of how they look. We always want reassurance of how good or bad we look, because as humans we worry so much over what society will think of us. We live with the fear of being judged by the world, and that is why instead, we ask people who we trust to tell us how we really look. 
Asking a friend, a sibling, or anybody you trust to check you out and tell you what they think of your outfit is usually what makes a person feel better.  Sometimes it is simple things that may seem as they don't make a big deference, but they do. The times I have changed little things, like my accessories until it suddenly becomes the perfect outfit have been many.
Asking for advice is a good tool, it helps catch those little details that can make or break a look. Very much like having a revision on a paper, the first outfit we decide on is our first draft, it isn't enough to  make a statement, but after revising, or in the world of fashion, checking yourself out or being checked out by someone, it can make the outfit totally work. 

Overall, I feel that revising your outfits can never hurt, it can only help your outfit become even better. Receiving friendly fashion advice is as best as it gets, although of course sometimes it sucks to hear things we didn't want o get back. It can be hard to get negative comments on the "masterpieces" we think we have created.Getting comments that we don't want to hear are not necessarily always bad or negative comments, but sometimes the truth hurts and we must learn to accept that not always will we choose a complimentary outfit. We must learn to accept advice, at the end of the day, we asked because we were not sure of how we look, if there was uncertainty from yourself, expecting positive comments all the time would be unrealistic or untruthful. 

So, let's all remember revising makes the perfect outfit! Strut like you mean it and always OWN IT!

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